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Tesco careers.


Our colleagues in stores are in the direct contact with people who are at the heart
of everything we do – our customers. Every day we care about their satisfaction.
Would you like to help us with that?

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Olga Smetáková.

I work as a Shift leader in a small format of our stores. The most important part of my job is managing the store and making sure our customers get what they want and in a good quality.

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Tesco careers.

Head Office.

Choose from wide range of different career opportunities across office departments
and benefit from working with great people in Central European environment.

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Júlia Barnová.

I started my career at Tesco in 2014 as an intern during my university studies. I’ve gone through the different roles and departments and currently I’m working as a Buying manager.

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Tesco careers.


At the distribution centre, we are doing everything we can to make sure that all products
are in right place and time and in the best quality so our colleagues in stores can provide
the best shopping experience to our customers.

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Peter Zelenák.

I’ve gone through 9 roles during my 14-year-long career at Tesco until I took my current role which is Manager of the planning team in our Distribution center.

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Dávid Jansik

I ended up working in a completely different field than what I studied for, so I had to learn many new things. The greatest value of Tesco for me is the support I received from my colleagues and managers throughout it all.

Jiřina Veselá Jirku

I always wanted to work for a company like Tesco. It may sound trite, but it’s true. I studied international trade at university, and I hadn’t even seen a workplace up close when this multilingual, multicultural world offering thousands of different possibilities took hold of me.

Marie Dvořáková

When I was job hunting, I interviewed with multiple companies and received offers from six different places. However, the positive first impression that I received during my initial meeting with Tesco played a crucial role in my decision to join this organization. I was impressed by how welcoming and friendly everyone was, and it felt like I would be a great fit for this community.

Zalán Szerdahelyi

The best workplaces are those where structure and regularity go hand in hand with sufficient flexibility, like at Tesco. I joined the team here right after graduating from university.

Tesco пропонує можливості працевлаштування біженцям з України.

Війна в Україні впливає на життя мільйонів людей і стосується всіх нас, хто живе в Чеській Республіці. Ми усвідомлюємо, що підтримка громадян, які постраждали від війни в Україні, буде потрібна в довгостроковій перспективі. Компанія Tesco готова допомогти, і ми запропонуємо людям, які тікають з України, до 500 вакансій в відділеннях і розподільних центрах.
Крім матеріальної та фінансової допомоги, яку ми надавали з початку конфлікту, залучення до робочого процесу є ще одним і необхідним видом допомоги, який ми можемо надати. Tesco допоможе кандидатам з оформленням офіційних документів для працевлаштування та буде підтримувати пов’язані з цим витрати. Нижче ви знайдете контактні дані створеної нами лінії, де ви зв’яжетеся з нашим україномовним колегою, який відповість на ваші запитання. Крім того, ви також можете зареєструватися за посиланням нижче, і ми зв’яжемося з вами.
номер телефону  +420 720 061 726 
електронна пошта:  prace@tesco.co

Tesco offers employment opportunities to refugees from Ukraine.

We have all been affected by war in Ukraine, which is having a devastating effect on the lives of millions of people. We realize that support for the Ukrainian people affected by this war will be needed in the long term. Tesco is ready to help and we are going to offer up to 500 open positions in stores and distribution departments to people fleeing Ukraine.
In addition to the material and financial help, we have been providing since the beginning of the conflict, involvement in the work process is another and necessary type of help we can provide.  We have established the below contact details where our Ukrainian speaker colleague can take your calls or answer e-mail, or you can register on the link below and we will get in touch with you.
Phone: +420 720 061 726 
E-mail:  prace@tesco.co

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